Discover our new Dialogue Corner and meet our first guest!
Every month, UN Environment Europe will be interviewing exceptional people working for the environment and will summarize the exchanges on our refreshed platform.
We are very pleased to kick off this novelty with an amazing first guest: Jeremy Rowsell is leading a historic initiative to raise awareness about end-of-life plastic in our oceans.
This British-born pilot flew a plane from Sydney to Melbourne using waste plastic from the ocean as part of the fuel mix. The steps needed to keep plastic waste out of our oceans can be taken quite easily and need not come at the expense of industry and jobs, the ‘On Wings of Waste’ pioneer Jeremy Rowsell argues in the dialogue with UN Environment Europe .
ln the interview, Mr Rowsell tells us what inspired him to go for this remarkable achievement and discusses the roles we all have to play in managing waste plastic in a way that is win-win for business and the environment.
The interview took place right after the launch of UN Environment's #CleanSeas campaign working with governments, industry and consumers to reverse the tide of plastic waste in our oceans. More than eight million tonnes of plastic currently leak into the oceans each year. And we are nine months away from the third UN Environment Assembly, where fighting pollution will be centre stage.
To read the full exchange click here ; and look out for our next special guest! |
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