cover big June

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First UN Environment Assembly held in Nairobi Symposium at UNEA Brings Legal Community Together to Boost Environmental Rule of Law Environment Ministers add their voice to global efforts to combat illegal wildlife trade UNEP administers the Secretariat of the Tehran Convention for the protection of the Caspian Sea UNEP to provide the Secretariat for the Pan-European Biodiversity Platform UNEP endorses Work Plan with Russian Federation to better protect that country’s environment
The European Commission and UNEP strengthen cooperation in renewed Memorandum of Understanding South-South renewables trade grows faster than global trade

Mountains: the water towers of the world Elephant poaching and ivory smuggling figures released UNESCO calls for closer cooperation with CITES to protect World Heritage Sites Green Week 2014 High-level panel discussion at EU Green Week 8
Achim Steiner speaking at New Environmentalism Summit National training workshop on Green Economy in Moldova European Commission and UNEP strengthen regional cooperation on Climate Change in Latin America The Aurelio Peccei Lectures & Dialogues- “Extracted. How the Quest for Mineral Wealth is Plundering the Planet" Photo exhibit: “We Have The Power: Efficient, Renewable, Affordable”


A Post-2015 world: Ecosystems management integral to climate-resilient development

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