On 15 May, European Ministers of Environment met in Athens, Greece at an informal Council Meeting where UN Under-Secretary General and UNEP Executive Director, Achim Steiner, delivered a presentation entitled "UNEP's Role as the Leading Global Environmental Authority in Post-2015 Processes in Light of the Upcoming First UNEA".
In his address, Mr. Steiner briefed the EU ministers about the upcoming UN Environment Assembly (UNEA), given the EU's long-standing support for the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), and its advocacy for the inclusion of environmental aspects in the Post-2015 development agenda.
In his speech, Mr. Steiner also addressed the international fight against the illegal trade in wildlife. The first session of UNEA will focus on "Illegal Trade in Wildlife". Deliberations are intended to build upon the increasing international momentum to tackle illegal trade in wildlife. It is another important step in the recognition of biodiversity as the bedrock of a global green economy and human well-being.
In May and June, other briefings were given to countries in order to inform delegations from the Pan-European region about this unprecedented assembly. On 19-20 May a preparatory meeting was held in Vienna with the participation of South Eastern European Countries.
It was attended by representatives of Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. On the second day, Austrian Development Agency joined the meeting as an observer. Country representatives were interested and curious on the first UNEA and on its mechanisms and procedural aspects and had a quite lively debate and interaction during the presentation.
On 10 and 11 June, also as part of the preparations for the first session of UNEA, UNEP’s Regional office for Europe organized two webinars. Both online meetings aimed at presenting an overview and update on the latest developments with regards to UNEA to members of delegations from the Eastern-European countries who will be attending UNEA.