To promote Sustainable Mountain Development (SMD) in view of the considerable global challenges ahead, several engaged partners have jointly launched the World Mountain Forum (WMF) that took place in Cusco (Cuzco), Peru, on 23 and 24 May.
This year’s World Mountain Forum showcased available local, regional and global experience in sustainable development in mountain regions. It identified some opportunities and challenges that global SMD is likely to face. The Forum produced insights and provided contributions to global events and initiatives such as the UN Secretary General’s High-level Panel on Global Sustainability (GSP) and the CSD biennial cycle 20/21, in which mountains are one of five priority themes. This year’s Forum will also feed the current discussion on the Post-2015 Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals at the different levels.
The WMF 2014 is an opportunity for various mountainous countries to discuss on how better ensure mountains are adequately reflected at the forthcoming COP20 UNFCCC in Lima, in December.
At the margins of the WMF, a global synthesis publication related to tourism in mountain regions (published by the University of Geneva, supported by ADA and SDC) was released, that UNEP contributed to - drawing on its various experiences in the context of sustainable mountains.
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